Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Last day in Mātangi

 Drawing has taken a back seat to the patchwork...but I've still been doing enough..

On Saturday the palm tree by my friend's workshop was getting a trim, so I could see a flower stalk and frond close up.

Aren't feathers like leaves?

Then you have Rimu whose leaves are not feathery!

The first small block of four is finished.. including resisting one strip twice!!

While Mr Digby Brown (17¼ years old) kept watch...

I've been repacking my bags ready for tomorrow...seeing what I can leave behind as gifts!


Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe your trip is over. I've enjoyed the pictures. What an adventure. I am envious.

Catalyst said...

Your friends will miss you dearly. Safe travels.

angela said...

What a precious old man he is.

Granny Sue said...

Your sketches are so delicate!