Monday, 17 February 2025

Matangi factory history

 Mātangi dairy factory closed a while ago...but now the buildings are being repurposed for commercial use and for living a few new units ..the quilting shop is in one of those..

The cafe had a book explaining it and here are a few pages....


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've enjoyed your Matangi photos from today and yesterday.

Tom said...

...repurposing is trendy.

northsider said...

I love to see buildings preserved and repurposed.

Susan said...

Building new is not always best.
Preserving historic buildings and putting them to good use is ideal.

Jeanie said...

I really appreciate trying to save old buildings. This looks like a wonderful project.

angela said...

It’s wonderful that buildings will be repurposed. And it’s always great when there is a new quilt shop

Anonymous said...

I love the plan to save this old buildings. I hope they can do it. Here, many times, these groups get the buildings for free...kind of. The property owners are prepared to tear them down for new construction, and a historical group steps in, offering to do a tear down with the idea of reassembling it somewhere else.

gz said...

Where is here, Anon?

Granny Sue said...

Interesting. Good to see the old buildings being restored.