Thursday, 20 February 2025

Still drawing..and applied mathematics


This morning...The Waikatō showing its foggy side.

And doing the calculations...

If I cut 1" squares (plus ¼" seam allowance) I would be 31 short.....

If I cut 2" squares (plus ¼" seam allowance) I will have nothing left over....

Cushion cover here we come.....


angela said...

People just don’t understand how much math is needed in crafting
Quilting knitting and crochet We are very clever indeed
I look forward to seeing the finished product

kjsutcliffe said...

Good luck! (looking forward to seeing the cushion covers x)

Tom said...

...measure twice and cut once.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too much math for me! I am a bear of very little brain.

Jenny Woolf said...

That is the kind of thing I ALWAYS get wrong! which is why I have learned not to even try. But I'm full of admiration for those who do!

Catalyst said...

I was a math major in college (for awhile) and I don't understand this!