Saturday, 15 February 2025

Morning out in Te Aroha.. Adrian Worsley

 Adrian Worsley had an open day can't just drop by his workshop as it takes up too much of his making time....

Other people's work in his shop/gallery 

Bedsprings to hand things

And the gallery of parts....

We were lucky, arriving at about the time we were out, there was a queue!!

We went to see a potter who is also a Librarian here..

And saw the building where the Te Aroha art club used to meet..)I joined in 2012 when we stayed in Te Aroha..)but is now a B&B...

Then from Te Aroha...the town with the same name as the mountain near the northern end of the KaiMai range...

And the community garden 
Then from Te Aroha...the town with the same name as the mountain near the northern end of the KaiMai range...

To Morrisville on the way home to collect some pots in the gallery...and see some cows....

And buy some dub dubs from a bakery....round doughnuts with fresh cream in the middle 😎


Fresca said...

The bike chains!

Susan Heather said...

A great day out. It is many years since I visited Te Aroha but I did enjoy it.

gz said...

We didn't have time to go up to the main street to see more of the metal sculptures unfortunately...but I do have photos of them from years ago.
The old quilting shop people have retired...and there are new people and it has expanded in the old ironmongers..I hope we may go there next week!!

Tigger's Mum said...

Shades of Bro's workshop in there (no art round here unfortunately - bike parts, old tools, that motorbike....) what a great place to visit.

Bovey Belle said...

Oooh - a quilt shop! Looks like an interesting place to be. The Adrian Worsley gallery is amazing. Clever man.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a jam-packed day of wonderful sights to see!

Susan said...

The gallery holds a wide range of materials. Is everything intended to be upcycled?
The donuts sound yummy.

gz said...

I think pieces are chosen from the exhibited store of parts when needed is like maze going round it, but I should think that he knows where each kind of part is..and there are drawers of different nuts and bolts

gz said...

Quilt shops are everywhere here!!

Granny Sue said...

What a day, full of art, creativity and beauty!

Debby said...

Those sculptures are AMAZING!!!! I also like that world wide cow! Clever!