Saturday, 15 March 2025

Friday's trip to Cumbrae

looking over the Clyde towards Arran ( on the bus). And then Lunch in Largs while I waited for the half hourly Nardini's ...with waffles, Canadian Maple Syrup and their famous ice cream of course!....and proper Italian coffee!!

Onto the ferry 

Then by bus the three miles to Millport...and a walk back to the edge of Millport where the field centre is.....and the Scottish potters spring gathering 



Debra She Who Seeks said...

A delicious lunch and day out!

Bovey Belle said...

That looks a nice outing. I miss the sea now I am landlocked for the first time in my life.

Amy said...

Looks like a beautiful Spring day, loving the old red door and the floor tiles.

DL said...

Thanks for the interesting architectural photos. Always enjoy a walk to see nooks and crannies and roof lines.