Just a few of the ones from NZ.
I saw one yesterday, a bus driver's electric car getting a recharge at the bus station....the letters were VLT. I commented to a couple of other drivers standing nearby that that was a good one.....they didn't get it....
Ah well!!
I shudder to think what people would choose if those number plates were allowed here.
...these are popular in Australia too!
Personalised plates are allowed to a certain extent here...and have to be authorised, just like anywhere... although seeing photos of some in the USA it would be interesting to know the system there
Clearly they have a sense of humour in NZ!
The personalized plates I see often puzzle me. We play a game on trips trying to decipher them. Yours are pretty good! And even I got them, lol.
VLT would have made me laugh too. To address the question of how the USA handles personalized plates: "DMV will not issue personalized plates that display symbols in a combination that is demeaning towards a group of people, or that is otherwise a vulgar, violent, or criminal reference or term per 2 AAC 92.120. If you believe a license plate has been issued that conflicts with this regulation, please email us at doa.dmv.webmaster@alaska.gov and DMV will immediately investigate the license plate and if necessary, recall the license plate." This is from Alaska, obviously, but it does not vary from state to state very much.
Very funny. In the US, you can apply for a personalized plate. I've never had one and do not know the cost.
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