Saturday, 31 March 2018

time consuming.

Listing on ebay...doing research forgetting the descriptions just so, the photos showing any faults, searching for any similar things
to see how the market is going....

I've got 18 lots in my ebay shop now, and have had the first very low offer...which i rejected...and the buyer came straight back with a bid a couple of pounds higher..I've still got a day to decide, but its still a bit cheeky .
Do I say, well a sale is a sale?

Some I've had for years, gifts along the way, bits picked up like a magpie that caught my eye.
All the money will go into savings, ready for our next trip to New Zealand....

Thursday, 29 March 2018

taking the chance

With cold and possibly wet or snowy weather forecast this weekend I decided to forgo driving the hour to Glasgow velodrome for an hour on the track..and went out in the sunshine.
It was beautiful..I only needed a gilet instead of a jacket, although there was a stiff chilly breeze.

 I ventured along a lane new to me
 neglected coppice

 The old A frame from the Barony Pit, next to the woodchip power station
 ANOTHER hill!
 I love the name of this group of houses just outside our village..."Henry's Place"
 home just as clouds were building up

selling online

Isn't as easy as you'd took me hours to list five items!!

I'm beginning to get the hang of it. I ran out of tape and boxes, so bought tape and acquired a few boxes yesterday to keep me going..must find a new source of bubblewrap!
I added these yesterday..

I've got free listing  for three more days, must get on with it!

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

What you do on a Monday..

Send invitations, check the jewellers, pay the balance of the registrar's fee..
and go home to paint ceilings!!

For light relief..a turbo session with fellow cyclists..sadly the last of ten,now the clocks have gone forward.
That was at the beginning of the warm-up. They decided on a change of view,with the lighter evening...
and at the end...
you could see we'd been working hard...
Rewarded with mugs of tea, hot sausage rolls or macaroni pies and homemade sponge cake, to revive us for the journey home.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Along the coast

 Just the thing to have by your back gate...until the trees grew...
 peeking through..and over the golf links
 Sustrans Route 7 on the left. Railway from Glasgow through Kilwinning or Kilmarnock to Ayr, Girvan and Stranraer
 I followed route 7 to the edge of Troon,then bypassed Troon and Barassie on a local cycle route. A short hop by road to Loans then back by lanes ,past a rugby club with people playing boules in the sunshine.
Past the wind vane (top photo) and back to Route 7 for the return to Prestwick Sailing Club and the car.
 and the clouds..
 and good views of the snow on Goat Fell on the Isle of Arran and back north up the coast.
 In the car...and the rain came.
Travelling the first 10 miles by car avoids main roads and heavy traffic.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

round the block

What I see on our round the block ride. Goat Fell on Arran was visible...with snow still..but too hazy to photograph.
With photo stops its just under an hour..

Its good to be on the bike,in the sun,even with a chilly breeze.

Friday, 23 March 2018

getting busy..

While he is away!!!
All the overalls and jackets have been washed, all the clothes washing done.
I've painted the living room ceiling white..a change from a dingy cream.
Pirate has developing cataracts, so needs more light.

I don't think that the house has been re-decorated for a very long time!
Paint was bought...and rollers..but you can see the embossed pattern.
It took most of today,with a 2 " brush. At least the rollers wont be wasted,there
are a few walls needing paint!

Before tackling the ceiling I did a test print after more cutting on the latest lino...

I think I've cracked it! I wanted those clouds to be those fast moving, almost boiling,when the rooks fly acrobatics before a storm...

Hopefully printing tomorrow.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

starting ebay..

Real wood frames I think, so the cost of postage anywhere but the UK is more than the items !!

I'm still looking for the pattern id and dates for the creamer and gravy boat I want to list..more work for tonight.

I wont be bored or at a loss while the Pirate is away...I'll be too busy!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018


Or should it be equilux?

The light it is that affects us, whether it is insufficient daylight, or excess illumination at night.

We have yet to catch a glimpse of the Aurora, even when it has been seen as far south as here. Not just clouds, but the glow of unnecessary street lighting.

We grew up with having a lamp to carry if you went out at night and stars in the if you do get real dark, people are afraid of it. Something tangible that yet cannot be touched.

Today has felt different..a little lifting of the heart maybe.

Something to carry us on through the next forecast snow/heavy weather at Eastertide.

panorama from prom to prom


Sunset and Moonset from Prestwick.

I think I need to use a tripod!

Monday, 19 March 2018


Pirate is busy packing his bike for a month's trip to Brisbane...he has been gifted a ticket to go with a friend.
They'll stay with friends of Vic for awhile, and visit others who'll never travel perhaps the last chance..

The kiln shed is practically done, and one of my jobs this next month is to clear out non-workshop stuff from the well as 1001 other things...

Sunday, 18 March 2018

doors on..ready for more weather..

and a doorstep. Eventually doorstep level will be floor level..probably...

Dressing for the weather isn't elegant..but what we're getting is nothing compared to other countries. We have just got out of the habit of cold winters and snow.  Now, having disrupted the climate we should be prepared for anything.
Some areas of Britain have had 20 cm of snow, but we're missing it this time.Its just rather cold and very windy, making it colder still.  I look around at my garden and wonder what will have survived by the time the Spring really does arrive.