Thursday 8 February 2024

Another step forward

 One more appointment today, with the Stoma nurse.

A successful meeting, and an interesting the army from school, then left to have her children..then back to work at 40 to train as a nurse.

She has a similar character to our District Nurse..and we get on well with her no fuss attitude as well.

She has concentrated in the urology section, and then the stoma department, training in Scotland and then London before returning here about ten years ago..she has two years to go, which should see Pirate launched with his stoma ok!!  The surgeon will sign him off as fit after a couple of days...but it is she who will say when he is fit to come home!! when he can look after himself.. probably a week, I get a week off!!

The weather has changed again, a few icing sugar sprinkles on the hills yesterday and this morning, but coming back this afternoon it was gradually increasing..but still wettish sleet.

Let's hope travelling will be ok tomorrow as we are back at the hospital for the consultant surgeon interview appointment...a twenty minute drive short way, but could be half an hour on the slightly more indirect, bigger roads...but safer in the snow.

We had lunch out after the nurse appointment...just a simple meal, but nice to be out!!

Furniture sorting has continued...there has to be room for a hospital bed in our living room as our bathroom is downstairs.  It is a good incentive to use that reason to get done something that has been needed for a long time!!

I have got as far as possible with the living room for now, next stop is my study where some things have to go up to. Cue more drastic weeding...

Yesterday I heaved out a load of old cardboard boxes from the bike/ training room.....but what really needs doing is for Pirate to sort bike bits that won't be used so that I can sell them and boxes of paperwork so that he can find things instead of getting annoyed when he can't!

Getting my Big Girl Pants on and doing stuff that is needed has got him started anyway..even the small amount he has done so far is welcome. The thin end of the wedge towards actually getting it done!!!


jabblog said...

It's always encouraging to make a start - achieving a finish is even better. Things are moving in the right direction for you, it seems, which is good.

Tom said...

...we all need to keep going forward.

Kate said...

Nothing like a deadline to get things done!
Hope the snowy weather doesn't cause any problems x

JayCee said...

Everything is moving forward...even the sorting out.

Marjorie said...

The nurse sounds terrific. Love your snow description. Good luck on the sorting.

angela said...

Starting is the hardest part. Especially if it’s a huge job. It overwhelms me and I just go into ostrich mode
But usually once I start I power through.
I hope the weather holds off for you and you get a nice easy run to your appointment

Debby said...

Too bad we all can't meet at gz's! Imagine the work you'd be able to do with a few more willing hands!

I'm glad that it's moving ahead. Hard times are much easier to take if you can feel as if progress is being made.

Tasker Dunham said...

One little bit at a time gets a surprising amount done.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I am sending all my positive vibes to you and Pirate. When we had to drive the two and a half hours to my cancer appointments in the city, we would go out for a little meal afterwards - kind of to put a positive spin on things. I like the sound of that nurse! -Jenn

Red said...

You're at a very busy stage of your life. I wish downsizing could happen around here.

Susan said...

You are making good forward moving progress and that is all important. It would be nice if the weather would cooperate for your trip tomorrow.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to work on the clearing and rearranging while expecting big changes just over the horizon. Each day another chance to experience and just be.

Susan Heather said...

It sounds as though everything is moving quickly now. Hope the weather isn't too much of a problem.