Saturday 3 February 2024

Slow progress

 Every day at the moment seems to be a bit of this and a bit of that, never really getting a decent job done satisfactorily.

Saturday mornings we...or rather I..listen to the Out of Doors" programme on Radio Scotland. ( He slept through it, after making us a cup of tea....) That is 6.30-8am.  An interesting programme covering...well, out of doors stuff!!..with the added Mystery Noise, which this week was unsurprisingly a Japanese Macaque monkey. ( One went walkabout a couple of days ago...)

By 9 am I had had enough radio up to finish making breakfast and put the house to rights...Pirate eventually got up by 10!! 

We needed to see our landlord for some grant application paperwork to be signed. He lives fifteen miles away..and we were there by 12.30...he wasn't there, but his workshop worker was...

We decided to go for lunch at a friend's cafe in the local small town near his village...and caught him on the way back.

Paper signed, we will give that to the surveyor who will look at our lack of roof insulation...saving postage!

The water board were at our neighbours house, clearing the drains for her..they sent the camera down and along from our drain to check...nice and clean, thankfully...and he put the collar back on the drainpipe properly for us as well. 

Then Pirate decided that a good siesta was overdue...and I thought great..I can get on with the Ancestry research...but came to a stop after two minutes.

I need to get information printed as well as downloaded...if the computer crashes terminally, I don't want to lose anything or have to go back through Ancestry pages again to find things.

However the computer and printer are not communicating with each other...

Sometimes I can just go in and print....this time it is "getting printer information"....even though I have okayed the printer on the system.

And what does "print using the system dialogue" mean?

I think I need a resident IT assistant/nanny.....

On other research matters.. isn't it fascinating how handwriting has changed over the centuries, when looking at documents....


angela said...

I can’t help you with the IT stuff. I usually just turn things off and on lol
Although sometimes deleting and re installing helps too.
We are back at the farm camping. And to my surprise I had a nana nap late in the afternoon and then slept all night too
That never happens. I must of really needed sleep just like the pirate

Catalyst said...

I was complimenting SWMBO on her cursive handwriting yesterday and bemoaning the fact that I can no longer write in cursive, that I print everything. She asked me when that began and I had to admit I didn't know. For someone who was trained by the Palmer Method, I find it sad to have lost it.

Red said...

Cursive handwriting seems to have disappeared.

Barbara Rogers said...

As to losing Ancestry stuff, rather than saving it by printing it, or being hopeful that files on a computer don't crash, I've got a blog just for my ancestors. Some of my posts never get posted, because they are just research items, like all the passengers on a ship. But I do turn a lot of them into short stories about a couple of generations. It's just a suggestion. Printers are definitely a different breed. Wish I could have my new tech gal visit your home like she so willingly did mine for a half hour. Of course she'd probably love the trip to Scotland!

Steve Reed said...

If you click "print using system dialogue" that just means you're choosing the standard print window where you select your options (paper size, landscape or portrait, that kind of thing). Sometimes it's easier or more familiar than the print windows that open with some specialized programs like Adobe. Does that make sense?

I suspect "getting printer information" means it's communicating with the printer. That should be a transient step. If it gets hung up there then I think something is wrong. Google might be able to help.

Marjorie said...

My computer engineer son would love to help out but he is helping at home as my husband is unwell. Thanks for printing the handwriting chart. It will be useful for my relative chasing. Hugs.

Sandy Miller said...

Argh IT stuff! My system is so terribly slow I'm not sure if it's shutting down or starting up! January was napping time around here but now the sun has returned and I'm sorry I did so much napping as the outdoor stuff definitely needs tending! Hoping the sun stays out for awhile today. sounds like you're getting stuff done though and hooray for that!!

gz said...

Cat, Pirate tends to print everything.. although he has quite nice handwriting, it isn't half as clear as his father's was....we have some of his diaries from working on the farm in Kent as a waggoner