Monday 12 February 2024

Swedish Afternoon

 We were on a roll this morning...two washes done, Blood Orange marmalade done (tasty!!) , clothes and sheets ready for ironing....sun and stiff breeze meant that didn't take long!!

Pirate went to have bloods taken at the surgery here....and on returning, decided that we were going a certain Swedish Shop!!

It was a lovely day to be out, but I'm glad we were in the car as that breeze was cold.

First a good (and very reasonably priced) lunch, then to slowly make our way around the shop...following the arrows as that makes life easier!

We had hoped for a quiet Monday shop.... unfortunately it appears to be half term...cue a lot of grannies with we missed one thing we were looking for.

I gathered a few things in my big yellow bag....plate shelves to stand plates on on the kitchen bench instead of one stack of plates and bowls....a loo brush and holder, a mattress protector...Pirate took a shine to a large wooden spoon x spatula, a pair of roller blinds for my study....and then Pirate realised that what he wanted, a mattress topper, was upstairs....

Off he went... bravely as he Does Not Like Shops....back up the stairs...only to find that what he wanted was downstairs on the warehouse shelves....and he had difficulty finding his way back rather stressed Pirate later, we found the beast, an assistant got us a trolley and shopping was Done...and he felt Done In !!

Then the joys of rush hour traffic...and a roll home, seeing the crescent new moon in front of us, and thinking that without the clouds, the sky would be surprisingly light.

The topper feels good... hopefully it will give us better sleep.

The old mattress is still good after 25 was apparently very expensive then...even if you take out time spent in NZ it must have done 18 years work. It shows that a good bed and mattress is worth the investment, but we looked at the price of a new one and gulped!!

He has had an early night tonight, unsurprisingly.  Pirate is still doing what he can, but Charlie is pulling him down..he has worries about the op, but hopefully it will relieve symptoms even though it won't remove the problem.

Most people are understanding and do what they can to help...but a couple of his relations are being rather callous, almost accusing him of " crying wolf" he has been here before with prostate cancer..."here we go again"....but it is serious, it is terminal...people he cares for too. So unfair.

At least I have a quiet time to unwind after the day, blog a little, read others, do my Duolingo lesson... especially as I missed this morning!!

Night all xx


Tom said...

,,,with relatives like that, who needs enemies?

Boud said...

Tell Pirate that this old lady he's never met is full of admiration that he survived the shopping, and does care that he does well. You too!

Joanne Noragon said...

A mattress topper is a wonder. Sink in and enjoy.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow, that was a lot for your sick dear one to accomplish. I just discovered I can nap on top of most of my blankets/quilts, and just have the topper over me...and the mattress lumps and valleys aren't felt. But I need to get under everything for nighttime. So thinking a topper for the mattress sounds like a good idea. So insensitive of relations/friends who just think Charlie (I like that term) will be either cured or you're gone once and for all...almost everyone I've known endures years of it coming and going, treatments and no treatments. It can wear anyone down, but the really brave are those who can still look at the bright side of life, each day is a gift that they enjoy and share with others. I've loved some friends for years that way.

JayCee said...

Seems like a pretty full day. I would be tired after that so no wonder Pirate needed an early night.

jabblog said...

Shopping is always much harder and more tiring when crowds have to be negotiated, without being ill. No wonder your Pirate went early to his bed.

Fresca said...

We have that Swedish store here too—it’s on my list of things to do before I start my new job – – just for fun I don’t need anything, but I do like the restaurant. However I do find going there really exhausting – – like a rat in a maze, and if you’re like pirate and try and go backwards, God help you! Brave man, in so many ways. And you too!
People can be callous, unthinking, that’s for sure.

Allison said...

The Swedish store can be overwhelming. When Jim was in a wheelchair after fracturing his pelvis (bad bike ride) we would go there for something to do. There were elevators and each floor was level. Once in awhile, a visit would coincide with a school holiday, and we would flee, the noise level was too much. I'm sorry Pirate's people are being so insensitive and cruel.

Aimz said...

We try to do shopping like that online instead of in person, when it's one thing it's not so bad but lots of things does get stressful. We have 2 mattress toppers on our bed, the one by itself just wasn't enough.

Catalyst said...

It amazes me, how people can be so cruel, so uncaring. I guess it's typical of our times. Alas.

Susan Heather said...

A very busy day. Before I purchased my current bed I had a mattress topper and it made a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the number of people who tried to comfort him by telling him prostate cancer was no big deal, that his surgery was not even necessary because "they knew a guy who had if for years and he was just taking a pill". God save us from the experts. Your expedition to 'Sweden' sounds like an adventure!

Anonymous said...

Went to the Swedish store only once, got very lost going in circles and never went back. Gigi

gz said...

Gigi, Pirate panicked....forgot that you can just follow the arrows...and there are store maps all around!

Gigi is just men's Bits getting old and lumpy....we have our bits that also age...and we can all have breast problems. But some people forget that you can't generalise and everyone is different.

Tom.. exactly. It is so sad, but he has to move on despite they don't