Saturday 19 October 2024

Bits and bobs.. keeping going...behaving!

 Keeping my feet up this morning...knee swellings going down, and ankle as well. Still not right though.

Frustrating.... boring.... although I did a lot of Duolingo lessons!!

After lunch, cleared all the fleabay packing to a small wardrobe in the sewing/ turbo room... eventually to be followed by the rest of the fleabay stock.

The study is almost ready for printing, and is fit for visitors to stay...ok, just an airbed...

Coffee for one, no fun!
The list is migrating in the right direction!

And after tidying the greenhouse as much as I could, the beetroot outside got thinned...all the marble sized beet went in supper.

I got chatting to my friend in France...and did a little Ancestry hunting for him.

I should have saved the first link, but at least I printed it out...and quite a few other records as well...he can have fun researching them if he comes over before Christmas.


angela said...

Glad the knee is feeling better.
Your still powering through your to do list. Your so good

Granny Sue said...

A busy day, and with a banged up leg. No grass growing under your feet!

Bovey Belle said...

My things to do list is all in my head. Much of it involves listing "stuff" on Ebay. If I can't get rid of Tam's and Danny's "stuff" which I am storing for them, I must sell my own and try and make room that way! Eleventy-hundred books for starters.

Progress on Gabby's Quilt yesterday. Dreading getting to putting the backing on stage as I bought the extra-wide backing fabric.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice looking beets!

JayCee said...

Today is definitely a day for hunkering down inside. Too wild to venture outdoors.

northsider said...

A few hot toddy's always help me through the gales.

Debby said...

I love a good stay inside day sometimes. It feels almost luxurious.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I'm just getting caught up on some of your posts. So sorry to hear about the injury, but glad it isn't "serious", although un-serious injuries can also take some time to heal. Husband messed up his knee and it has been weeks. He ices it and wears a flexible type of brace when doing things. He says it's getting better... slowly. The end of the season gardening tasks getting done is a good thing. What does your neighbour want with your wire hangers? I discovered the very slim "velvety" covered hangers a few years back and use them exclusively, and now don't fight with things coming off the hangers in my overstuffed closet. Hope you have had a nice weekend. -Jenn

gz said...

The coat hangers will make a base for Christmas wreaths.
I'm glad to see the back of them! All the plastic ones are bagged up to go to a charity shop. I'm steadily changing over to wooden hangers.

My ankle could well be serious, getting the swelling down will make anything visible at least