Wednesday 23 October 2024

Day1 on Lewis

 I spent a peaceful night, with the wind singing in the chimney, and Keith the cat snuggled up behind my knees on top of the covers!

It is nice to be looked after.

Out today like the Ladies who point in staying home!!

My morning view...a little bit of New Zealand in Scotland.

The café, art gallery and community hub are in what was the village school.

Then on to look at a beach

With a seal pup just parked there by its mother who was in the water.

On again, a quick visit to the village of Blackhouses..we didn't go into the museum or café, just a quick walk to look over to the beach. This village was last inhabited in 1974, recognised as historically significant two years later and the reconstruction started about ten years later. In some of the buildings you can was I think part of the SYHA at one time.

Across the island to Stornoway on the road that Lord Leverhulme had intended to be the route of a railway...then a quick walk around town before home for tea and cake...and a welcome by Keith 


Barbara Rogers said...

Sounds like a great place to visit. I like Keith especially.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those stone cottages and houses are charming. In our Canadian capital of Ottawa, the official residence of the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament is named "Stornoway." Scottish immigrants were often central, key players in Canadian industry and politics in the 1800s.

Allison said...

Your weather has been looking frightful. That was quite the bus journey you took.

JayCee said...

Glad that you were sufficiently recovered from your long journey to enjoy that day out. Looks bracing!