Saturday 12 October 2024


 I managed to trip over yesterday in the garden... distracted by a noise as I finished clearing some of the borage plant (STILL flowering and with bumble bees on it) that has sprawled everywhere including over the soon to be garlic patch.

One scraped forearm (aloe Vera gel applied)

One slightly sprained ankle, saved by wearing ankle boots (arnica cream applied)

Dark chocolate applied internally for shock!

At least the future garlic patch still has lightweight ground cover over it!

I am so careful now....but everyone makes mistakes...

And with today's weather...

I'm not going anywhere!!

Printer cartridges replaced.....back to some genealogy....


Susan Heather said...

Oh dear, these things happen so quickly. Treatment sounds good especially the last part. Take care (but I know you do).

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have an extra piece of dark chocolate -- it's such good medicine!

JayCee said...

Ouch. Thankfully no serious breaks!!

Fresca said...

Wild weather! I love that you use medicinal chocolate :)

gz said...

That is the annoying thing Susan...if I was slapdash...but I'm not

gz said...

It is what my daughter calls "brown medicine"...also good for tickly coughs and de-stressing

gz said...

The supply is running low....

Tom said...

...accidents can easily happen, take care.

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for reminding me, I need to order a new printer ink cartridge! Glad you weren't hurt any worse from your tumble.

gz said...

I do my best, Tom. They can too easily happen..and I've had 48 years of not being on my own.....only me to pick me up and dust me down even more care needed

gz said...

Like my daughter said...a bit of a warning to be even more aware. I think I will order another full set of cartridges to have in reserve..they email out special offers quite often..and their prices are reasonable