Wednesday 23 October 2024


 Yesterday was a very long day!!

Compounded by fitful sleep.. although I had set the alarm!

Out for the 7.35 bus....the school heaving full!

20 minutes wait in Ayr....then the express (sort of!) bus to Glasgow...which even if on time arrives 10 minutes after one bus to Inverness....

Time for a hot chocolate in Inverness while I waited for the next bus to Ullapool and the ferry 

The ferry left at 6.40....25 minutes late... and once out in the Minch it felt with all the bumps and bangs as if we were sailing over a bumpy road!!

We arrived, only 15 minutes late..but then had to wait for all the vehicles to drive off, as the foot passenger link isn't working..again...

Something that was sold to the port authorities with a thirty year certainly hasn't had that and this isn't the first time!!!

One of my friends was waiting, then we drove the last ten miles or so north from Stornoway...

And the journey took about the same time as flying from Dubai to Sydney...

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You weren't kidding about it being a looooong day of travel! You got some nice shots out the bus windows, though.