Off on the bus at 11.30, heading north up SH3...
A few sections of roadworks and traffic light/lollipop control..with good reason.
The weather and heavy traffic take a toll.on SH3 through the Paraparas.
Along by the railway, as it arches across a deep valley not far from the Raurimu Spiral...check out its history...
National Park station at the same time as the chance to check out the good station café...hope it is still there!
And on up into King Country
And Tamaranui...still on the Whanganui River...
Carriages in storage...they should be in use for ordinary passengers...
A change of drivers and lunch stop to eat my sammies sitting on the grass by the bus stop!
The bus is locked during the break so is safe.
Then onwards, with a detour off the main road to Waitomo, and a U turn by the glowworm caves.
Then through "the home of Kiwiana"...And a toilet stop...
Through Te Awamutu ( but surprisingly no stop) then to Hamilton, jammed up by the combination of 5pm traffic and a traffic collision, where the bus trip ended..
...and I was met by my friend and her car.
I remembered the route in the bus....but not the way out of Hamilton to their house!!
But the welcome was enthusiastic!!
Cute dogs!!!!
A good trip. You get to see so much more from a bus.
Enjoy Hamilton.
That was a long trip - a but a good welcome at the end :)
,,,thanks for showing me the scenery.
That was a long bus ride! Good that there were so many interesting things to see along the way!
It sounds like you are having a lovely extended holiday. What a lovely journey. The Tangye, Birmingham stamp made me think of Derek Tangye's Cornwall books - how I loved those.
I'm not treating it like a holiday!
Thanks. I'm out at Mātangi
Little terrors!
Powder room is a different name for the Ladies.
And volcanoes! What a road trip. One day maybe I will see a volcano.
The views from the bus show lots of trees and green landscape.
Adorable pups.
Terrier-ists 😄
You can't keep a good girl down! Nor a doggie, it seems.
Lovely wee dog. How long are you in NZ for?
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