Friday, 14 February 2025


 More weeding today, and helping clear away after some much needed fig tree pruning.

I did go shopping.....but not for this!

I'm trying to work out the best design for my garden in Scotland....


JayCee said...

What a lovely old car.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your gardening plan looks exciting already!

Tom said...

...the car has been in a shoot-out.

Debby said...

I can't wait to have an established garden again. I am going to start out with 4 (maybe 6) raised beds, and then slowly expand every year. I do have blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry roots to plant this year. I hope to add to these things every spring. Perhaps in five years, it will be large enough that I have to sit down and draw out a plan. I'm not quite there yet.

Catalyst said...

I guess that wouldn't have gone in your overhead compartment. 😊