Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Draw and design

still drawing...

 After buying five fat quarters in the village quilt shop , we ventured to Spotlight in Te Rapa in Hamilton...the equivalent in Britain is The Range.

The haberdashery and fabric/ yarn department is something else!! The charcoal grey is a 2m end of roll....usually I'd go for black, but with a black fat quarter I couldn't.

Now to design...cushion covers? I do need some....


Fresca said...

Gorgeous color palette!

Bovey Belle said...

That should keep you quiet for a bit.

JayCee said...

Oh yes, I love that colour combination.

Tom said...

...keep drawing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice fabric!

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh yes, do remind me of my sad cushions that need covering! They should just be replaced. Love your colorful cloths.

Jeanie said...

Whatever you make with those quarters will be wonderful. They're really lovely fabrics. And LOVING your drawings!

Susan said...

The fabric is a great find. Love the drawings too.

angela said...

I love those colours. I’ve never even considered them. Your giving me ideas lol

Debby said...

what are 'fat quarters'?

gz said...

Instead of a quarter metre length...a half metre halved across