Sunday, 2 February 2025


 I forgot two things hat ...I do wear a headscarf...and my phone to take photos!!

I had a good day, out early with a friend as instead of racing, she was on duty as first aider at the road races.

A misty morning as we drove the 15 km up to Brunswick above Whanganui where the 11km circuit is.

Officials' briefing over, riders started arriving. Two pairs of races, the second of each starting when the first had done two some did 6 laps, others 4...two hours between the pairs so the course was clear for the second batch.

After a while the sun got really hot...and despite moving to watch in the shade of some big trees I now have a rather red face! Aloe Vera is being applied....

There is a big twisty downhill, then the same up...but fortunately the one rider who did so on a straight stretch near the end of the first lap...and he refused first aid...

Despite leaking some blood, we reckon what was most injured was his pride!!

The wind got up between the two sets of races and the clouds rolled over...but the possible 40% chance of rain turned to the 60% chance of after I arrived back it was washing time!! And both hair and clothes are nicely dry.


Steve Reed said...

Having a sunburn and forgetting a phone -- both seem positively luxurious!

kjsutcliffe said...

my OH forgot his hat too - but with opposite results, rather cold ears and nose! Mind you, once we'd got warm again, his face was positively glowing!

jeanie said...

Oh sunburned face is not pleasant - especially as it is aloe vera level! Being involved without being a participant is how I like to do festivals, so should I ever go near a masters games I assume I too would head to a quiet spot where I might be needed rather than in the bedlam. I just cracked myself up thinking that you might be at "pedal'm bedlam!" Yeah, more coffee.

Catalyst said...

The warmth you're enjoying seems positively wonderful to me. It's just reached 70F/21C here though so not bad today and tomorrow.

Red said...

I'm surprised at how big bike racing is there. We have no bicycle racing at all as far as I know.

Susan said...

The sun must have been very strong to get a sunburn. The warmth sounds great but not the sunburn. The race was well attended. I feel badly for the person that fell.

Debby said...

I cannot imagine being warm. You know what is lovely on a sunburn? Putting the aloe vera in the fridge and slathering it on cold.

gz said...

Plenty of cyclists about in Canada..but I suppose they may not be around your area

Fresca said...

I know you said you weren’t in good enough shape this year, but might you race in these games next year?

gz said...

We'll will be two years....

Amy said...

it's good your friend is ok. Don't forget sunblock, our summer this year has been so hot.