Monday, 10 February 2025

Society of Waikatō Potters clay festival.Day three

 I missed out small monster making and watercolour painting on clay...and just watched Bill Powell making...for him...small pots!!

That was part one...then part two...

And after lunch, part three..

And a bowl to finish..

Then a finishing gathering, short speeches and to finish the proceedings all of us did three claps then bring your hands together to close the weekend.

Then many who could helped to start clearing and cleaning... and the main job was left for Monday morning.....with marquees to take down, chairs to stack on a large trailer with folding tables, fourteen wheels and various other things to sort by early Monday afternoon.

Which is when I'd run out of steam!...


Tigger's Mum said...

Amazing skills. I'd love to try but do too many things only moderately well and should learn to improve my standards on something I can already do.

Bovey Belle said...

Fascinating to watch (love the Great Pottery Throw Down on tv). Bet it was hard work taking everything down again afterwards though.

Tom said...!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Always a pleasure to watch a master at work! What a wonderful festival to be able to attend!

smartcat said...

Love seeing other potters. Thanks.

Fresca said...

So appealing, so attractive!

Susan said...

He must be a master as his work looks superb.

Catalyst said...

It is fascinating to watch an artisan create beautiful objects.

gz said...

Understandable...but when you have time...have a go!!

DB Stewart said...

Impressive artist & art. Do you watch The Great Pottery Throwdown? Terrific entertainment.

gz said...

I have done, but no longer watch live TV at home. I can see it on More 4 catch-up as it goes out on Channel 4 or YouTube I think

Granny Sue said...

How fascinating to see the whole process! I have never watched a potter at work. I think the clay festival is such a great idea. I wonder if there is anything like that near me.