Saturday, 8 February 2025

To be continued....

 Three day clay festival in progress......


JayCee said...

Oh, that looks like fun.

Jeanie said...

How cool is that!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looks like fun! I assume the featured piece is yours?

Tom said...


Barbara Rogers said...

Oooh, you've printed on clay...what fun. The first shot reminded me of road workers standing around while one does everything...I see them often around here. But then I saw it was raku firing. So glad you participated in the workshops!

smartcat said...


Fresca said...


Elderberry-Rob said...


gz said...

Yes, both the raku and the print

Tigger's Mum said...

Some interesting kilns there. I had some pieces years ago from a local (to me) ceramacist who fired his pots in a big bonfire. Interesting effects. Ditto the comment on roadworkers standing around 🤣

Bovey Belle said...

That looks interesting. Did you get to make anything?

Amy said...

wow that looks like heaps of fun

Granny Sue said...

Interesting! Waiting for the next installment!

Catalyst said...

Thanks to the great Buddha for that final sentence explaining this all.

Steve Reed said...

Looks very fun!

jeanie said...

That looks very interesting - and right up your alley no doubt!! I love that you got to be there.

Susan said...

Nice work!