Saturday, 17 March 2018

more shedding..

The roof is on, and the ridge...
The doors aren't on properly...but the weather defeated us,plus the fact that two pieces of plastic, that the left hand door half runs on...are missing.

We don't have much snow falling, and being in the West we're not expecting too much. However the wind is bitter.This afternoon's actual temperature was 1 degree C, windchill made it feel -6.....fixing flimsy metal sheeting with small bolts and nuts and tiny self-tapping screws was no joke.

We went to a Non-Burns night a couple of days ago at a Robert Burns Club...Great and recitations and jokes at the Globe in in Dumfries where the man himself drank 250 years or so ago!

Then we stayed overnight on the Solway Firth..and woke to a grey morning .

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

My complete sympathy for the misery of being out in the cold.