Thursday 22 February 2024

Op +2 days

 I didn't do much this morning...tidied up the kitchen after marmalade making...I usually clear up every night to have a fresh start in the morning....but....

I did steam clean the kitchen floor....always a good idea after preserving!! And did our small bathroom floor too because..well, can't waste all that steam!!   And push the carpet sweeper round the living room.

Down to the garage to check with Davey about the needs a wheel bearing, which he can do next week. He is up to his ears this week, so it is good he could check what needed doing and how urgent it is.

Then off on the bus again to see Pirate. I was lucky to catch the bus as it went up to the next smaller village..saved me standing on a cold and windy pavement for at least twenty minutes! Then back down and over to the hospital.

He hadn't been feeling too good this can't expect a constant improvement and it is early days..but was out in his chair. So a positive.

It is great that the staff like chatting to him ( and vice versa!) and he has a place that he can people watch all that is going on! 

Now he has his books, a Cycling Weekly magazine and a book of poems that his younger daughter published...and I have a list of what is needed tomorrow.

Off on the bus again, into town...and I am looking for more good signs...

Scotch Pies anyone😎?!

A walk over to Lidl for some bits and bobs... keeping up the exercise as it must be nearly 1 km...then back home on the bus.

I haven't done much since getting back home..but you can't dash around every day!  


Tom said... Ford SUV eats wheel bearings!

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindo letrero. Te mando un beso.

Red said...

Good to see Pirate recuperating after surgery.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Not every day can be a progress day, but it still sounds positive! My best wishes to both of you! - Jenn

Catalyst said...

You are very funny! Glad to hear you were just lying about.

Barbara Rogers said...

Goodness, I got tired after you did the floors!

Aimz said...

oh no poor Pirate, I do hope he is feeling better soon. Ok I'm going to ask, what is a Scotch Pie?

angela said...

I think it’s a thing that you get the blues on the second or third day after an op. It’s coming off the anesthetiser and being stuck in the hospital plus being away from your home and family.
I’m glad he’s got chatty nurses to keep him occupied.
You need to take care your going to be kept busy looking after him when he gets home

jabblog said...

Having someone to chat to is essential for someone with a busy mind and intellect.

JayCee said...

You have reminded me. I must clean my kitchen floor!

gz said...'re welcome 😉 don't ask what goes in a Scotch Pie!! Let's say it's a meat pie....

gz said...

Angela I think you have it on one. His body will also have to get used to the idea that the bottom end (no pun intended!) of the system is no longer restricted...

jeanie said...

So a scotch pie doesn't involve whisky?

gz said...

No Jeannie..mutton...or other a hot water crust as it is a raised pie.

Steve Reed said...

It's exhausting to go back and forth to the hospital, as I know from previous experience. I'm sure Pirate will have ups and downs as he recovers from all this. As you said, at least he can sit up and watch people and isn't confined to bed.

Susan said...

Surgery zaps us for a while but then recovery is full on. It is great that Pirate has chatty nurses and lots to observe while in hospital. This will make the hospital stay go by quickly. Your Scotch pie sounds delicious. Ilove meat pies and make chicken and beef pies regularly.