Tuesday 27 February 2024

Op +7. Here and there

 Here and there indeed...catching up on phone calls, rescheduling my Shingles Jag that got missed in all that has been going on...finding out what time the fitters will be here for the boiler....

And the realisation that I'd missed the post collection this morning...dash on the bus to the post office to post an anniversary card to youngest son, The Carpenter...they married on February 29...and this year they have a whole day to celebrate!! Instead of approaching midnight on the 28th, blink and it has gone!!

Phone calls and messages from Pirate...he is being signed out and moved.....

A quick lunch, just as the District Nurse called by...a bed has been earmarked for delivery....a week tomorrow....

Waiting for more information....and a call from him saying Come at the usual time...

Off to see him on the usual bus....which was late as usual! 

Well, he was still in his usual bed, having a rest..the physio has had him practising stairs....it looks like they will keep him there for now as everywhere else is full...and he will be back home on Friday as long as the central heating boiler installation goes ok on Thursday.

As the Sister agreed, everything has just happened in the same week, with his op being sooner than we had dared to hope...with the grant work being weeks sooner than expected..(but good as the boiler has almost given up.)..and our booked weekend away being this weekend coming....and the car needing work done.

Into town on the next bus ( and a very considerate driver paused his departure so that I didn't have to wait in the rain) and a nice chat and mooch around the Red Cross op shop...trousers for me for £4!! Then the bookshop..two mindfulness books for Pirate...he likes to give them to other people, but finds help in reading .

Then back home...and chill out!!


Tom said...

...make sure that you get you shingles vaccination. I had shingle as a teenager and it was awful.

JayCee said...


DB Stewart said...

Busy and a bit chaotic, but productive. Sort of the opposite of what I did today, haha.
Also, as a Canadian I had to google your use of "mooch." I had forgotten about that word, but realize now that your usage is similar to how I might use it.

angela said...

Fingers crossed your boiler is fixed, the bed gets to your place In time, and pirate is home soon
So much running around I’m sure you’ll be glad to be able to stay home for a while

Anonymous said...

Well, things are sorting themselves out! AND you got new pants! Whoot!

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm following your adventures (unplanned but truly nobody could have written this into a script!) and may not always comment, but my thoughts are sure following along and wishing everything to come out well!

Steve Reed said...

A busy day! I'm glad the bed is in process and the boiler is getting installed -- and Pirate will soon be home!

Aimz said...

it's like that saying, when it rains it pours - yes everything seems to happen at once. My late nana use to get shingles, I know how much it use to bother her.

Fresca said...

That’s a lot to happen in a week!

Susan said...

Everything seems to be happening at once. You'll be glad when things settles and you and Pirate can be home.