Sunday 4 February 2024

Tidying and reducing

 I think I have found a way around the computer and printer not talking to each other....I have been battling through this for a day and a half....and remembered that I could use WiFi.....and just after 10pm I found the email. 

That will be tomorrow afternoon's job!

Meanwhile I have started the painful job of rehoming my old friends......books.....


Tom said...

...when something doesn't work, I call our son.

Red said...

Reducing is a huge problem. some people cannot part with things.

jabblog said...

So many people seem to be decluttering. It must be something in the air.

angela said...

After having to put my father in law into care, and then dealing with all his stuff.
I decided to declutter my home. I got rid of lots of books. I donated most of them.
It was hard. I did it over a couple of weeks. It really is like getting rid of friends

northsider said...

I find it very difficult to get rid of books.

gz said...

Tom, I call my brother..who does some things remotely..from 500 miles away!
Middle son is a computer geek as well..but he is three hour's drive away...

Aimz said...

nice, sounds like you sorted it out, I usually get my partner to trouble shoot for me.

Debby said...

You know, I find the act of decluttering to be difficult but am always so happy that I did it.

Steve Reed said...

I was just thinking it's time for us to move some stuff along too.