Friday, 9 December 2011


for pots to dry.....

I've just finished the last ones for this firing, boxes with honey inspired decoration!
All the drying pots are in the living room, not ideal but hopefully they wont freeze in there!

I came back from Abergavenny by Blaenafon this morning, and there was still a dusting of frost on the fields and any water that had run over the road had frozen.

Tomorrow we will do the last pressing of apples for juice this year. We freeze it in plastic milk bottles. The weather is forecast dry which is a relief as we do this outdoors.
Then on Sunday I'm on duty at the Court Cupboard, what hardship...spending all day with a warm woodburning stove and good coffee!!
Daughter and Family should be calling by there for lunch, it should be a good day whatever the weather! Sales are steady there, which is a blessing. Lets hope that keeps up, or even improves!!


Zhoen said...

A day worth waiting in.

Kath said...

spending all day with a warm woodburning stove and good coffee!!

sounds divine!

Relatively Retiring said...

Sorry not to be able to call in this time. It's such a lovely place.