Tuesday 7 May 2024


 Yesterday I had a day out on the bus...well, three each way!

The house was cold...it was cold damp and misty...even at 11am..so I thought that the bus would be nice and warm....

As soon as we were two miles from home we were in sunshine and could see the hills behind covered in mist.

I arrived at Ayr....and only bus in was the express going to Glasgow....ok, get on that and travel in style !

Glasgow was.... busy!!! 

So I didn't stay, but bought myself a sandwich....£1.75 in Sainsbury's....or £4.75 for an inferior product in WHS....no contest!!

Off on the next bus through Kenzie and Kirkintilloch and Lennoxtown to Campsie Glen...well, almost as there are roadworks and they are still working on the new turning circle for the bus...buses are no longer allowed to reverse, for safety.

15 minutes walk to my destination, and an hour and more chatting to a close friend of ours...he had been intending to phone me back when I gave him the news about Pirate...but hadn't. I'm glad I made the trip.

The Crow Road goes up across the face of the Campsie Fell..

Being a bank holiday...so Sunday bus services...the six o'clock bus was scheduled five minutes later....

And this rolled through, with the connection in Glasgow leaving just as I walked from one side of the bus station to the other....a half hour wait....and the next one wasn't direct, it went into Kilmarnock.....

Then back on the main road to Ayr, with a view of the Isle of Arran 

And the bus arrived in Ayr, as scheduled....five to ten minutes after every connecting bus had left....

So I had to start walking! No Point wasting time...two miles took me out past the A77 bypass in half an hour...and I was lucky to catch a friend on the phone just as she wad going out in her car!!!!

I got rescued!! 

I don't mind long walks...but not on top of a long day!! It did me good anyway.


Jeanie said...

What an adventure! And it looks like there was a lot of natural beauty on top of it all. It sounds like a bit of a good but exhausting day. I'm glad you were rescued!

Tom said...

...keep having adventures.

Debby said...

So was your house warm when you got home? Or were you so worn out that it didn't matter??? I love your little community of friends.

Fresca said...

That’s a lot!

Susan Heather said...

Wow, that was quite a day. Good that you are getting out and about and meeting up with friends.

gz said...

A bit of both, Debby! The day had warmed up while I was away from home..with a couple of torrential rain showers which I was glad that I had missed!

Elaine said...

I like the statue very much, and the clock is great fun. Your bus tours were a brilliant idea.