Thursday 2 May 2024

Shred, shred, sort , sort...

 Job done!!

More photos found as well.. relief on two counts.

It would not have been wise to drag the job out, so unless another box or two turn up, that is mostly done.  

I have started on our annual shred and weed.... keeping just bills and accounts from the past two financial years. I'm on a roll!!

It's clearing a decent amount of space which is something that has been lacking for years. Putting the contents of two three bedroom houses together caused problems twelve years ago...and it's only now, I suppose, that I can get the job done.


Tom said...

...keep on the roll!

Fresca said...


Red said...

I never thought about the situation when two people get together. We have enough junk on our own.

Susan Heather said...

It is a great feeling when you get items not needed any more shredded. It sounds as though you ae doing a great job. I know what it is like putting two houses into one. We still have items stored in sheds!!

JayCee said...

Shredding is such a boring task. I always put it off until I really have to do it. Our small shredder jams so often I spend more time digging out the teeth than actually shredding.

Jeanie said...

Well done, you! That sorting makes a huge difference -- both spatially and mentally!

Granny Sue said...

Something about cleaning out and sorting seems to help me too. I did a lot of that in the months after my son's death, even though he didn't live here. Almost like getting my life ready to be without him...not sure, but I know it was cathartic.