Saturday 25 May 2024

Day out at the races

 Off fairly early this morning, only 15 miles away to a village that we lived in...well actually 3 miles further up the a race that Pirate used to organise, and brought the circuit and hall back into regular fact he had his 60th birthday party and a race there...and took part in the race!!

This time I helped with the signing on table.

The women's race was in the morning, just 5 laps of the undulating circuit...and after lunch the men had 8 laps..the circuit is 15km,just over 9 miles.

It was good chatting with friends who organised the race, and with a friend from the village who was on duty all day in the community run village shop.

I took a video of the start of the women's race, showing the lead cars (2), the escort motorbikes (2), the bunch, another escort car, the first aiders then the Broom Wagon to pick up stragglers if needed. 

But it doesn't want to load!

It was a beautiful day after a damp start...but I think that more rain is heading this way.

Those three shots are from left to right from my study window 

Got it to oblige!!


Barbara Rogers said...

Great views from your study. Glad you got that video to load, quite interesting to see the various support vehicles for a bunched up group of cyclists. (I wonder what a group of cyclists are supposed to be called, surly not a group!)

Tom said...

...a number of escort vehicles.

angela said...

I’m glad you got out and about It’s nice to be with like minded people

Joanne Noragon said...

Nice video. I appreciate all the police escort.

Red said...

It takes lots of organization and volunteers to put on a good cycling event.

gz said...

Barbara, bunch is correct...or the French word peloton is used as well

gz said...

Red it does indeed.

JayCee said...

I like the term Broom Waggon!

Susan said...

Your views and landscape are quite beautiful. The video is interesting showing many ready to race. You are in good company with enthusiastic racers and good friends.