Sunday 19 May 2024

The Oily One

 Aka Eldest up for a visit, a few days off as it is his birthday tomorrow.

Good to have him first visitor to stay here since Pirate died.

And we went for a walk around Hannahston...and listened to the birds..

 It is good to talk, just to chat..and to have someone else to share answering the question of what to have for supper...and share making it!!


Tom said...

...I love to hear the birds every morning.

Barbara Rogers said...

So glad your son came to visit. Having that "other" around definitely helps transition to living alone. You might get a cat? or dog? Just wondering how you feel about that.

angela said...

It’s lovely when your adult children pop in.
I’m glad you had some company.
I’m so very sorry for your loss.

Joanne Noragon said...

A good guest to have.

Red said...

Good that you have someone to share things with.

Bovey Belle said...

Good to have your children visit (and help out too). I hope he enjoys his birthday.

JayCee said...

And the added bonus of a gloriously sunny day!

gz said...

I used to have cats a long time ago...and two of my children now have cats, and one a dog as well...but no, I have the wild birds in the garden...I like, feeding and insurance and vet costs.

Susan said...

A visit with your son must have been well enjoyed. Some days are hard and, adjusting to a new life is a big transition. Having family and friends near is beneficial.

smartcat said...


Ellen D. said...

I treasure those visits!

Elaine said...

Does he help do the washing up, too?
More seriously, though, I am glad he came to see you.
Happy Birthday, Oily One!

John Going Gently said...

Nice to have some more support x

Aimz said...

It's always good to have family around.

gz said...

Elaine, yes..sometimes doing the washing up, others organising it ready to be done.
Joint effort on cooking supper tonight and washing up can wait!!

Jeanie said...

There's not much better than having the grown up kid return home for a few days!

Granny Sue said...

There is nothing like time with your son. What a treat to have him visiting. And your birds! That one song at the last is so melodic.