Wednesday 1 May 2024

Sorting and friends

 I bit the bullet....going through boxes to pull out relevant programmes and cuttings....but then having to go through everything again didn't make sense.

Most of today has been pulling out the recycling, and shredding old bills. If they are over two years old they aren't needed..unless they are business papers then it is seven years.

Pirate had shredded a I have those left up to 2012 when we got together! 

At least I have our paperwork sorted...all I need to remove is the bills and statements from 2022/21.

It looks chaotic...but it does make sense...cycling paperwork, photos, work history...and so on.

It is what we discussed and he agreed needed to be done. I just wish that he hadn't left it to me to finish!!

Lunch was Out!!
I met his old friend and competitor in a village café half an hour away, on his way home from the Velodrome in Glasgow.
He had chosen a lovely gift...dwarf yellow roses in a pot. He remembered that Vic loved yellow roses. He really misses their morning phone chats.

Vic made such an impression on so many people...and many are feeling a bit lost now that he isn't if it just isn't right.
Talking helps.

I have friends who run an antique and secondhand emporium in the same took some of my own belongings to sell....a nice £30 that is very welcome!!


Aimz said...

How are you doing? not wanting to be nosey but thinking about you here. What are you going to do with the shredded paper? Do you put it in the garden?

Elaine said...

Your Pirate certainly left a enormous void, which says so much about the man. I know you will soldier on, because that is who you are. I am so glad that your friends talk. Look after yourself.

gz said...

Amy one day at a time... keeping quietly busy.
Shredded paper is good as a layer in the compost heap, along with layers of kitchen vegetable waste, weeding and the council free a lasagne!!
It is also useful for animal bedding..and after that is even more useful in a compost heap!!..I don't have any chooks rabbits or guinea pigs though!!

Tom said...

...we went through lots of this last and still have more.

Catalyst said...

Maybe just get a goat and let him do the shedding for you. Then you could use the manure for the compost heap.

Or not.

JayCee said...

You have so much sorting out to do. Lunch out with a friend sounds like a good idea.

gz said...

Nice idea Cat. Not enough room for a goat here unfortunately.

angela said...

You have made a huge dent in all of that. Lots of shredded paper is the proof
Just go slow and it will get done before you realise it.
Take care

Joanne Noragon said...

One day at a time is the only was to go about such a loss.

Red said...

Some of us are hoarders. there's one living here and it's not me.

jabblog said...


jabblog said...


Jeanie said...

Papers that need shredding... you have quite the pile. Our credit union just had a free shred day where you drove up and they took up to two large boxes from your car and dumped them in a huge shredding machine. I wasn't quite prepared to take everything I know probably has to go but it was a good start and a welcome one. I suspect they'll do it again and maybe this time I'll be more on the ball with getting things together.

The yellow roses are such a lovely thought. Perhaps when they've served their indoor time they can be planted. I don't know much about such things!

Glasgow has a velodrome? That might seal the decision of whether we fly into Glasgow or Edinburgh to go to Glinockie Tower!

Steve Reed said...

I once read that it's unnecessary to keep most paper records. Nearly everything can be easily accessed online nowadays. I have one file box and I think about half of that could be discarded, but I just haven't done it yet!

It's great that your friends are helping you consign some things for sale.

You seem like you're doing pretty well, all things considered -- missing Pirate but also staying busy and connected.

Susan said...

Mountains of paper can add up over time. You are making great progress, sorting and shredding. The compost will benefit. Good friends are important and having them near is lovely. Loss is hard.

Pam said...

Oh no, I've just read back and found out that your Pirate is no more. I'm so sorry! How dreadful.

And also Avus - oh dear, he was so alive.

Very sad about both; and you.

Fresca said...

Big job!

Anonymous said...

You have a great deal to digest right now, and practical you. You are being productive at time. You are sorting more than paperwork though. I am glad you are socializing.