Tuesday 14 May 2024

When it rains

 Off to the doc this morning..glad to get an appointment at 9 with our favourite doctor as well. 

She listens, answers questions clearly and understands.....also rides a Clydesdale horse and travels to work in an old Land rover!

More Antibiotics for a chest infection.. which I think has been lurking for a while... couldn't have us both sick could we?!

A gentle walk back from the village pharmacy on a different route..and someone was chapping their window...he came to his door to chat...a man whom we used to meet walking his whippet...then to see another neighbour and chat for a while.

So, is gardening stopped while it rains?


Giving the seeds (runner beans and squash)

their first watering in the rain.


Tom said...

...it's threatening here, but little or no rain. I wish that we would get a gentle overnight rain.

angela said...

Gardening in the rain is very satisfying. It means as soon as your done you can come in and let Mother Nature finish the job
As long as I can have a hot shower and something warm and comforting afterwards it’s not a disaster if I get wet
Take care of that chest infection. They tend to linger if you don’t

Joanne Noragon said...

A nice watering, too.

Red said...

Good for pirate to get a visit with someone.

Allison said...

What does the phrase "chapping their window" mean? I've seen it before, but don't know what the meaning is. Glad you're treating the chest.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I do hope that infection clears - mine is still rumbling along, but a bit more 'with it' this morning, so hopefully on the up now! Lucky seeds. Then again, if they had been put out in the rain that was coming down on Grey yesterday, they would have run the risk of being washed out of their beds! YAM xx

northsider said...

It's good to have an indoor space like a green or polytunnel to garden even when it's raining.

JayCee said...

It was very good seed watering rain yesterday.

gz said...

Angela - I stayed dry in the greenhouse!

Alison - chapping ...knocking...

Red - he remembered Pirate fondly..his whippet is nervous with some people but went straight to Pirate for an ear scratch every time. Dogs know. Many people are missing Pirate..almost a month gone now

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Aren't those wheelie bins useful things? They make a nice handy platform for me when I have plants to pot up - my back is not good at bending over these days.

gz said...

Definitely John..that one...and another by my workshop..are water butts, this one has a tap fitted and sits raised on breeze blocks and a slab so it is high enough to get watering cans under the tap

Steve Reed said...

Like Allison, I was mystified by "chapping" the window. (But I could have guessed from the context!)

Susan said...

Hopefully the doc will work with you to resolve the infection. The rain helps everything to grow. We are having light showers today. The pollen is heavy so the rain clears the air.

Katerinas Blog said...

I hope you get well soon, a visit to the doctor will certainly help!
The rain definitely helps the plants!

jeanie said...

A good Dr is worth their weight - I did have one, but she went on extended leave so got another in the practice but she was in training and they have to rotate so now have one who was good on the phone once so will do - but I am not very comfortable with a male Dr.
Your garden is going great guns - love a bit of rain for the garden's sake - but not for your chest. Look after yourself.

Jeanie said...

I've never heard chapping, either. I hope your infection kicks out soon. You're right -- can't have two ill at once. It happens all too often. Take care. I like the idea of the doc and the Clydesdale.

Catalyst said...

The BEST weather for gardening! 😀

Aimz said...

yuck I hate chest infections too, they suck big time. I haven't had one luckily for a few years, hope the antibiotics kick in for you.