Monday 20 May 2024

Fore and aft

 Such a contrast!

And the evening starling serenade..such variety...our mynah bird equivalent, learning songs and sounds from anywhere!!


Catalyst said...

Like a mockingbird, nae?

angela said...

What a lovely sound.
During covid friends from around the world videotaped the night sounds and we all got to hear what
A difference it was.
Best way to travel not jet lag

Tom said...

...the sky is ever changing.

gz said...

Everywhere seems to have one Cat..and when you hear them copying sounds that we make...

JayCee said...

Birdsong is one of the best things about this time of year. My favourite is the blackbird.

John Going Gently said...

Lovely just lovely

Granny Sue said...

How beautiful that sky is!