Friday 24 May 2024

Carrying on

I think I may need a proper camera....the phone is good..but not that good!!

The three dots are three hares in a very large paddock!! We carried on our daily walk, and hour off to one side of the village, lucky to catch a brief respite from the wind and rain.

How to birdwatch while keeping warm and dry!!

It feels miserable being back down in single figure temperature (C⁰) 

Now the Oily One has returned home I have started sorting programmes, start and result sheets, newspaper cuttings...

These are mostly from 1991 onwards when Pirate moved permanently to Scotland.

So much little here...but gradually more is done online...and if you can print it off, it won't be of keeping quality.

A friend from a local cycling club called round for a cuppa and chat..she had offered a hand in the garden, but it wasn't fit weather for that!!

Now I'm waiting for a plumber to arrive to sort a leaky toilet..he said late morning, so I have time for a little more sorting...and remembering...Even the events that he went to before we were together, Pirate talked about them..passing on his memories.



JayCee said...

It will be good when the temperatures edge back up again... and the rain stops ...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, the drop in temps is a bit dire... one night up in the forest, it actually got down to 2'C with a 'feels like' of -1!!!! Didn't spoil things, though. Fab three days and now back down at New Lanark. Getting better, but the thing still lingers. Hope your chest infection has cleared. How lovely to have had your son visit. YAM xx

Tom said...

...I have a proper camera and a phone, I use both.

gz said...

Yamini it was good to have him here.
I don't think my chest is 100% ok..back to the Doc next least that will have given it a week after the antibiotics finished to gauge matters.

Jean said...

Nice to have had a son visit. Im not quite sure how to describe it, but when Im with my son, whatever is happening or however I feel, I feel some ease inside myself being with him. Nice that a friend dropped by too. We have had much rain here recently, however as many places have wild fires in our province I am welcoming the rain. Jean in Winnipeg;

Debby said...

Our friends have a birdfeeder with a camera that allows them to watch the birds (and take pictures) from inside their house on their Ipads. They post some comical pictures.

Take care GZ. I am glad you have a circle of friends who stop in regularly. Sometimes a person can get lost in their memories.

gz said...

It would be easy Debby..but the organising of papers, and next, photos is keeping me busy!
This must be done as materials have to be chosen for display in June and July...there are jerseys and medals as well...
Hopefully the Oily One will return in July with the revised flue section and I can get the kiln firing.
Apart from some gardening, there are pots needing to be made....

northsider said...

I love the bird watch keep dry.

Red said...

When you're suddenly on your own everything suddenly becomes very difficult.

Elaine said...

Three hares, what a wonderful sight. I have only ever managed to snatch photos which make them appear much further away than they were in reality, is that what happened here? I am looking forward to seeing your pots when you are able to make some. The ones I have are great favourites and well used.

gz said...

It definitely can Red...but it is a help that we did so much as a team together...I just think of what we would do together...and carry on.
I think for the last six months Pirate was making sure I did more on my own..and it was fun doing that then talking about how things went.

Bovey Belle said...

Heating on here today and yesterday - Keith easily gets cold, his hands are like blocks of ice.

I saw one hare recently, coming up near the Sugarloaf. First one I'd seen in Wales for about 30 years though. They were scarce in our part of Carms.

I'm glad you have lovely memories that Pirate shared with you. I am already missing Keith's skills now he is bedridden. At least when he was downstairs he could advise. You should have seen the pig's ear I made of changing - or TRYING to change - handles on the stair door. At one point Ihad put them on backwards! No screw holes lined up with the new handles, so old ones had to go back on. Buying a set of new screws would have been so much cheaper!!

Susan said...

You are sorting through lots of wonderful documents/events/memories and will be well prepared for June-July. Having many friends and your son stop by for a visit is lovely too.

Catalyst said...

Memories are fine things to retain. Keep remembering, gz.