Tuesday 21 May 2024

Day out in the sun

Old or newer....

And an interesting combination...

Letter passed to my solicitor, a wander around town to show it to.the Oily One.
Over to the next town for a bike shop visit...no clear bike bottles!! We prefer those... easier to clean and to.see that they need cleaning!
Special treat, chips and mushy peas, eaten in the car by the prom...AND...ice cream!!

With a bit of time before my dentist appointment, we went to buy new wipers for my car...and he had a coffee and cookie..too late in the day for coffee for me...and not just before the dentist!!
The appointment went ok...just a small filling, but he had to numb that tooth and the ones both sides of it as the cold water was affecting all three!!  With extra injections and a white filling, goodbye £60...but he does good work.

Instead of sitting in the rush hour traffic the decision was made to go to Girvan...as he had never been there!!
And as it was rush hour we avoided the busy main roads as well on the way there!
Ailsa Craig, then looking south towards Ballantrae 
We had a little wander around the streets by the centre of the town...I saw two open lobbies...

I love tiles like that.

Then  up the Girvan valley and over the hills to home.


Susan Heather said...

Sounds like a very productive day out in the sun.

Tom said...

...it's good to get out and about.

angela said...

I do not like the dentist. I have to have a Valium when I go
I hate going so much that I for it my teeth to need a filling.
So far I’ve not needed one
Lovely views and apart from the dentist. A wonderful day

Joanne Noragon said...

The new construction certainly has none of the charm of the old.

JayCee said...

Sounds like an enjoyable sort of say, even with a filling!

Steve Reed said...

It's nice to see some sunshine there!

Barbara Rogers said...

A very nice day out, with lots of good things to sandwich the dentist in between!

Susan said...

It sounds like a very nice day. The sunshine and beach are always grand.

Pam said...

Sounds like making a good day of things.