Wednesday 29 May 2024

Memories and photos

 Pirate's dad, his eldest brother as a boy and in the RAF (killed in action March 1945) and Pirate in 2000 having won a Masters track medal.

I have been sorting photos... yesterday pulled out a today I have a shorter list 

I am going to take a break to plant the tomatoes in the greenhouse earth....

Then I need to choose a very small selection for his Celebration leaflet....and write a resumé of his life...a tall order 


Tom said... sure have memories.

Steve Reed said...

A bittersweet task, going through all those old memories. I hope some of them bring you happiness.

JayCee said...

A momentous task.
Some wonderful photos ... and memories.

gz said...

Our twelve years of all those that he passed on to me.
We started then....after nine years of close secrets, all the past baggage on both sides so that we knew where we had come from ...and where we were going.

Barbara Rogers said...

A great collection of photos. Glad you know who the people are (written on the back I hope). Maybe focus on one or two aspects of his life to, friends, work, sports...whatever you see as a sorting mechanism.

Fresca said...

Treasures, for sure…

DB Stewart said...

I have been reading your posts for the last few weeks. Sigh. Thank you for sharing what you're going through; it will help many others. Looking up from my laptop today, I spotted the painting of Calton Hill above my desk. It has been in the same location since 2017 when my wife and I visited Edinburgh from Canada; however, today it spoke to me. Although not featured in the painting, I suddenly remembered when my wife and I climbed the Nelson Monument and recalled the sign painted about 100 steps up the climb: keep going. It is a good mantra and it seemed appropriate to share with you today. Take care.

angela said...

I’m glad your taking time to play in the dirt. It’s grounding
Big hugs

Susan said...

Many good memories of happy times are captured in photos. Sorting through photos has a way of taking you back in time.

Red said...

I think people enjoy seeing many life pictures of those who have passed on.

Susan Heather said...

A big job. The break to plant tomatoes would have been therapeutic.

gz said...

Thanks DB

Barbara very few written on the back..that is now my job...

Jeanie said...

Doing the photos is definitely a memory lane walk. It looks like you have plenty. I seem to have an endless supply and the sorting takes rather a long while. Good luck.

Granny Sue said...

He trusted all this to you. What a gift. Hugs as you travel the years.