Friday 31 December 2010

New Year

Busy tidying and sorting, it is getting wearying!
Most of the snow has gone for now and it is promising to get colder again, so I headed for the garden while I could!
I lifted swedes, parsnips, the rest of the beetroot and a couple of kohl rabi. Most of the white and red cabbage outside and inside the shed has succumbed to frost, and was fed to the compost heap. Mountain Man gave me a bag of brussels sprouts. He has lost some to the frost,even some of the tightest buttons.

I've taken so many photos that the camera battery needs recharging! More again tomorrow.

Thinking of how designs are developing, and where to network next.

All this and I need a part time job to pay some bills. That is a joke in this area, with more and more people losing their jobs.

I'm going to sell lots of pots, honest!!!! Someday soon.


Zhoen said...

May you have a prosperous and potterous new year.

Sandy Miller said...

ah yes, a part time job........

I have hired myself out as a gardener for too many years. This year I vow to be a potter!

you too!

English Rider said...

Great attitude to attack a new year. I call it "The no plan B approach" Health, happiness and prosperity to all.