Last Saturday I was twinsitting whilst Daughter , MD and The Carpenter worked on their house. After lunch I took a little ...one and a half hour!!..walk with the buggy by the canal.

looks like there is no flow...

until you see the overflow

which joins the river, on the right

then the river is gradually undercutting the canal bank

a rather derelict feeder by a lock, the gates of which have a four foot square thick metal plate bolted to them. Obviously not opened for years

the path shows a little neglect, and in some places serious erosion, possibly during floding

A nice wooden bridge- headroom 1.7 metres! I had nearly reached Tonna, the next village south, but decided "enough!!"

right in the middle of this picture is a black bird flying away down the canal...I'm sure it was a diver, not a cormorant. If you click on the image then click again you can see it a little better!

It was a lovely day for a walk, sun, breeze, and I was quite warm when I returned!
1 comment:
Gorgeous photos, very atmospheric and peaceful. I felt like I was there with you. I adore the canals, I always wanted to be a lock keeper when I was young. I know what you mean about just walking and keeping going. When I owned ponies, we would ride for miles along the canal towpath.
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