Thursday 21 April 2011

firing done

Eventually the gas bottle arrived, mid-afternoon. Thankfully the delivery man knew that when I phone, I need it asap!! The new boy in the office thought I wanted it on Thursday, not next day as in fact it wasn't on the van...when I checked before lunchtime, this must have spurred him into action and he contacted the driver. Luckily by then he had a spare bottle as one place also due a delivery had nobody there and was locked up!!.. Whew!!

Firing over by 10.40pm. I think I'm doing everything right.

I think I'll try and start earlier next time as my brain was still on full speed until much later!!
Last night's batch of jugs was more than ready to handle at 7am, so they got wrapped. It took a while to settle into throwing and centreing myself. Lost four mugs in the process.
Finished half a boardful before going to the allotment before lunch.

It was getting hotter fast, so I planted out rocket, raddiccio and various spinach type plants, then shifted the last two sections of tin sheeting fence before retreating for lunch!

After lunch the mug rims were changing colour already! Instead of throwing more I handled all the mugs and jugs.
The kiln was down to 60 degrees by 8pm. By then supper was ready and my phone battery needed recharging.

Early night then I can unpack the kiln without roasting my fingers and take pictures as I go.

See you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

Sandy Miller said...

Looking forward to seeing the firing results!