I spent today with friends, firstly collecting bagged pony manure for this garden. Then I pruned brambles here, mostly under a warm sun with a few very light soft rainshowers.
It was so beautiful, the air was warm and breathable, birds singing, and a tractor chugging along in the distance.
We talked pots and potting too, planning next week's work.
Then off to Usk for tea with a friend, collecting a few belongings from elsewhere on the way.
More tea and talking ceramics and gardening and swapping travel plans.
It is good to be with friends and be relaxed and talk-and before you know it you can see how to progress in a blink, after having wrestled with ideas for an age!!
After a lunchtime shower it was dry again, but having been so clear it is getting much colder- but still not quite freezing.
Amazing how much just listening to yourself telling someone else helps clarify problems. Not to mention smart friends who come up with solutions and ideas.
That walnut tree is outstanding! Great photo.
It's true isn't it, when we sit with friends and talk ...we get inspired. Their spirits lift us, and hopefully, ours lift them as well.
exactly Zhoen, and they come up with ideas as they see the problem from a step away
Snowdrops already? Was wondering when they'd start to appear. Strange winter this one, definitely a damp squib one this season.
I need someone to help clear my head and untangle my plans too!
Strange winter everywhere, it seems. Our old place in northern sweden is at about minus 23 now, so fairly normal, but we spoke with a local, resident Swede here who's from nearer Stockholm and he says it's been a 'Green Xmas' - a noteworthy affair! The snowdrops must be very early, surely?
you have...little flowers? wow :)
So true so true, friends are invaluable aren;t they for helping you get sensible thoughts about life.
Silly me. For a moment there I thought the snow drops were actual snow. Beautiful walnut tree.
I would LOVE to see flowers blooming right now! wonderful inspiring photo!
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