More jars, only one lid not free so far, but I've no doubt that it will be fine. The one that was stuck from the last firing freed itself- and no obvious reason for sticking. I think I'll start using a very light coating of rimwash so that they don't stick, next time! (just alumina and china clay, which melts at a higher temperature than I'm firing- so just a matter of wping it off after firing)

The big platter looks good, I'm looking forward to making more of these. The bowl with the pie-crust rim fired well too.

More salt pots

and a bigger blue bowl

I'm not completely happy with everything...but who is?! No disasters, and all saleable work....relief!!!
Lovely lovely lovely blue stuff.
Once Howard plucks up the courage to have an eye test and I can trust him to wash up decent china, I may be brave enough to look at the prices.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)
The blue bowl, last photo, is stunning!
All very pretty, but the last one, oh my.
Nice firing, still love those salt pigs!
I agree about the blue bowl, NICE! I also like the jars.
I too really like the blue bowl. We can get a similar deep blue by a quick Hyacinth blue over a thick Tenmoku. Is yours a two glaze combination? I sometimes flick wax before the quick Hyacinth and get a milky way type effect.
JB, no, just the Leach 1234 with cobalt and a touch of manganese!
The plate with the gorgeous leaf design is my favorite:) So beautiful! Great work!
Hi there,
I did a post on my blog recnelty and a fellow reader wondered where they could purchase some salt pigs. I love the looks of yours, so will point them in your direction if that's okay.
Kind wishes, Shaheen
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