Sunday 15 September 2024

Quilt update

 Strips done, set out the square...not quite right

Got it! 

Get sewing....

Travelling soon...

Friday 13 September 2024



I think that this quiet corner is designed for groups of schoolchildren....but it was appreciated!
I need to return when it isn't quite so busy...there is a daily organ recital and I arrived just after that had finished.

Last time I visited I saw the gallery with the Glasgow Boys..I found the Colourists this time, but couldn't concentrate on it.
There is much of Glasgow's history in the exhibits, but also a fair bit of Empire ..but then that did build and develop Glasgow into the city it us with the multicultural, multifaceted population that it has had for centuries.

Bus day

 After buying a ferry ticket for travels a month or more away I decided to go to the "local"...HA!!... Glasgow...bus travel office..there I not only got my bus ticket but advice on getting to Glasgow in time... important advice when you look at my return journey today...miss bus by seconds...wait half an hour for the next bus which arrives in Ayr ten minutes late, as the connection to our village leaves....half an hour to the next one..I chose to take the alternative service , still the same wait but it doesn't get caught up in jams as much as the other....and I arrived home....40 miles...from the first missed bus to three hours!!

I saw these on the walk at the far end of Sauchiehall Street on the way to the Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery.
I could have taken a bus ride..but the walk was worth it and only took 45 minutes each way.

But apart from the bus journey times, the day was good..fresh and dry, starting with washing on the line and picking veges 

And next post I'll show a few pictures I took at Kelvingrove 

Wednesday 11 September 2024


 Our Fife friend came over today and we spent most of the day sorting through boxes of bike bits...a decent amount has gone to the bin, tools sorted out things to keep and things to clean and sell.

Some things other friends will want to buy. A decent amount will go on fleabay or farcebook groups relevant to the bits. 

Some things would only go in a Cycle Jumble.

Still more to do, but we have sorted through a large amount.  

This is a big job...but this is my inheritance from Pirate...and my job is to maximise its value.

He did like giving me a challenge and this is a corker!!  He also knew that if he had given this to his children, most of it would not be respected.....or appreciated.

Tuesday 10 September 2024


 Today was wet cold and windy...

Indoors jobs..

Sorting the garlic crop

That dried nicely in the greenhouse 

The rest of the day was spent sorting more papers and photos 

I now have an empty sideboard and chest of drawers and a mostly sorted desk...

Putting together some items to go to Pirate's nephew and family. Hopefully I can finish that tomorrow morning before our Fife friend comes to help.sory tools and bike bits.

I have done plenty of exercise...up and down the stairs,!!

There are pictures of snow falling further it is just ****** cold !!!!

Monday 9 September 2024

And so comes Autumn

 This morning I took four bin bags of our clothes to the Shelter Op a ghastly (for me) table lamp with a pink lampshade..very nice, but.....

It  took me ten minutes of driving round and round to find a parking space near enough to the shop...well, any space really, but it needed to be near!

It was also right opposite the post office..very handy as I posted off a few things that have been promised to others. A good chance to get things off in time..second class letter post is 85p....first class now is £1.35....and on 7 October goes up to £1.65!!!!

Fortunately now they don't have the value on the stamps, just what class they you can stock up before the price rise. 

I did before the last price hike so I still have enough.

Then over to the foot of the river Doon....the idea was to walk over to Greenan where I usually pick brambles....but the weather looked a little dubious...

The swans were making their way upriver...followed later by the ducks...

I found a huge bramble bush 100 m from the river..and filled my box there.

Off to see friends...and after a couple of miles the rain rolled in.

I went over to the Girvan valley to the pub where we married. Our friends still run it...they have been trying to sell.for years, but at the moment it is just the house equivalent of "tyre kickers" for car sales....

I found a couple of photos, one nearly thirty years old for them.

My thanks was a plateful of funeral tea leftovers! (I had wondered where all the cars leaving the village as I arrived were from...)

And very welcome too.

I went the long way home to see how the roads were...and it was a nice surprise to see a new surface...very much needed!

The change in weather is quite was so good to have the past few days of Summer.. although Autumn is officially here... everyone relaxed...but now we are back to colder and wet...and it is due to get colder still.

So even though I got back at 5pm....nothing got done apart from supper from the freezer!!

Sunday 8 September 2024

Lazy (ish) Sunday

 A late morning.. couldn't get to sleep for ages last all today's plans got shuffled. I didn't get out for a walk until after an early lunch....and while I was going, did some foraging... lovely to have a couple of hours out in the fresh air and sun.

Pears not ready yet, neither are most of the apples..but I picked a bagful of the bigger apples to give the others chance to grow.

Sun coming through!

What are you doing there?

Coming through....

I can't upload the whole flock coming through, just the stragglers as it goes over the 100Mb limit apparently.

Then back to call on a couple of neighbours on my way home.
One man is 88 and a widower for the past five years .and occupies himself by decorating his 3 bedroom bungalow since his (heavy smoker) wife died. It keeps him busy and he has a great eye for it too, making a lovely job as he steadily works around his home. He has a small tree full of eating apples, which are improving every year and he wants me to have them. They aren't quite ready yet.
Next neighbour's son ( the elder) was there organising her week's pills...and he does the preserving now so I gave him a bread bag of apples and half the brambles. Where they usually pick , the brambles have finished.
Then home for a rest....and make a quick supper....Time Team....and start on a lizard....or is it a dragon?

I'm not entirely pleased with him...or her...I need to practice!!! 
So no sewing today...just bedtime, to write my daily journal and hopefully sleep ok.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Georgetown Cup

 Went to a cycle gathering today. I didn't compete..but about 140 a 7 mile individual time trial.

It was also the annual get together of the Flying Scot club...FS being a marque of bike frame....the oldest one there was 1937, the youngest made were, I think, made for the Scottish track team at the Delhi commonwealth games. There was a prize for the fastest FS, individual prizes, but the most important, team prizes.

Sunshine and socialising, followed by calling by a friend on the way home for tea and inspiration!!

£250 worth of bell..
The 1937 model...

Entente Cordiale
Pirate's pal, also VP.