The salt pots had gone a little too far for what I wanted, but they were do-able.
They have been individually wrapped, ready to do the knobs tonight.
After a damp start the clouds lifted-and the mist returned-and lifted...and returned!!
I managed to do a little gardening, sowed some brassicas in the greenhouse and early peas out in the earth.
After lunch it was still fine and after taking Mountain Man back up top I dared to put the washing out AND the pots I'd handled!!
The Oily One is climbing again tonight (on an indoor climbing wall) and The Carpenter is still away with The Wizzard and his Lady, carpenting on their "new" home.
So its supper for one...with no inspiration!!
So much of life is about appropriate water content.
forget doing the knobs tonight- I'm not turning the heating on just for that!
Being alone in a normally busy household can be a blessing and can be a curse, I love the solitude of the house when I know the boys are out doing something somewhere, but I hate to be on my own for long! I lit the fire this evening, our damp day wasn't doing the wet washing any favours!
I wish I had a fire to light instead of central heating
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