Home again and I helped my Man sow some very fine flower seeds-hopefully his garden will be even more colourful than usual this year!!
I finished the mug handles after lunch-I'm not happy with this clay, but I think the main problem is its lack of maturity...I hope!!
The evening was taken up by the local area Allotment Society Meeting....two hours of gripes (some justified) recriminations, arguments and vague reports....we now have to deal with a councillor who seems reluctant to have all meetings with him minuted. They used to be, including the informal ones, for accurate feedback. Would you be suspicious?
Then the luxury of Chips eaten from the bag, fresh and hot!! Before taking the Man up his Mountain.
On the way back down the car headlights picked out the tree trunks beautifully...

If you click on the image it does show a little better.
It's beautifully springlike here too, makes such a delicious change :) And there is a little something for you on my blog x
It all looks greenly spring-like in the Principality. Here, in France, we too have Spring! It's such a relief from the cold and snow of Sweden, though even up there the temps are generally now above zero mostly. Now online again and can resume contact and blogging soon.
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