Saturday 20 July 2024

Bubbles! And arrivals

 Chiropractor yesterday I have to work even harder to keep things in the right place, as after thirty years, he is retiring...

Bro and me had a wee walk around Kilmarnock centre... depressing like any town nowadays unfortunately. It was good to see a new Robert Burns portrait..celebrating his 250th birthday...but other brilliant murals on some side streets had been painted over..and the central pedestrian street was grubby and blighted by closed shops.

On the way back to my car.....

Well this bit was clean...

We had an easy afternoon after that...going cross-country to avoid the golfing traffic on the main roads...and the diversions and closed roads...

Fuelling my car, then lunch out...and at home catching up on "Time Team" and other archaeology programmes.

Son#2 arrived after 11 pm, doing the journey from Bolton in one hop (with stops) then spent a couple of hours chatting with his uncle!!

He has gone out on his road bike for 2 or 3 hours while we await the arrival of son#1 and a friend, who came from South Wales via an overnight stop with another friend in Blackpool.

Of course son#2 went out without his key to here....


Fresca said...

We need to keep those body parts in good working order, eh? Me too!

How nice that so many people are coming around!

Tom said...

...keeping things in place as we get older can be a challenge.

JayCee said...

You are having a very social time this weekend with your sons around you. Sounds grand.

northsider said...

I really liked "Time Team".

Susan said...

Having your brother and sons visiting makes for happy times. Keeping the body aligned is key. No doubt there.

Granny Sue said...

Nothing like having your sons come home, is there? Although, yes, they do have that tendency to gravitate to another male if one is handy. I secretly like it best when mine come home without their wives, because then they talk with me instead of leaving me in the kitchen with the women!

gz said...

I am watching their channel, not live TV...the new Time Team programmes are.much better

Barbara Rogers said...

I agree with Granny Sue, quite a wise woman she is! I walked in and sat down in a man-talk on the deck at my sons' house and the topic of conversation quickly was lightened up. They were talking about stocks or corporations or something of little interest to me, but I would have still liked to hear their interactions. Have a good time with your visitors.

Red said...

Good to have family visiting.

angela said...

Do you think your chiropractor could give you a referral to someone they know and trust.
It’s hard keeping ourselves all together these days.
Sounds like a busy but enjoyable day

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Hope today goes well for you all. Here in Montrose I was sharing those same thoughts about town centres and how sad they've become. Enjoy your company and the comfort they bring. YAM xx

Steve Reed said...

It's a shame that so many towns are struggling. I guess Amazon is the culprit!

gz said...

Finding the right practitioner is a very personal thing...he has mentioned one or two that there has been good feedback on the grapevine ...

gz said...

Steve online shopping is definitely one of the are the big barn shops on the edge of town

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad your family is with you and it sounds like a good time together. I feel for you with a longtime medical professional retiring. That's happening to me at the beginning of the year and I'm not looking forward to it.