Tuesday 16 July 2024


 We had a short wander around the centre of Ayr today. 

It is rather depressing..all those lovely buildings, neglected, closed and boarded up shops...but many towns are going the same way.

The oldest house at the corner of the Sandgate and Cathcart Street 

I'm  not sure about the chair...but it looks like someone had fun making it!

Brother bought me a present...and now I can use the TV as a monitor screen...so we have been watching informative things on U tube.....and Simon's Cat...😎

We have been thinking of how to break the Log Jam of stuff and work here...where to begin.

Remember the small game with 9 spaces and 8 tiles that you shuffled around to make a picture? Just imagine it with 9 tiles.....


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hheheh, I was just saying to Mac1 yesterday that I felt like I was playing move the squares... so yeah, I hear ya. YAM xx

Tom said...

...they should fix the foundation, it has a terrible lean!!!

angela said...

The whole world is in a bad way. Economies are going bad and people are struggling.
It’s very sad to see

Jessica Hollinghurst said...

I help set up the Remnant Kings in that shop about 53 years ago when the town centre was very busy where did the time go.

JayCee said...

I like that chair. I would have that in my garden.
Good luck with the log jam!

Susan said...

It would be a shame to lose that building. Will the city re-imagine the use for the building? Eventually, the pieces of the puzzle come together.

gz said...

The yellow house is Lady Cathcart's house, the oldest inhabited house in Ayr, from the early 1600s.
Bottom level is a café and they sell artisan bread to raise money for art projects. As far as I know the rest is flats, as it is registered as "tenements" as well as being a listed building.
Loudon house is the oldest house, St John's church tower is from the 14 century..so the oldest building

Steve Reed said...

That chair is fabulous, but it looks uncomfortable. Might make a good plant stand. :)

Barbara Rogers said...

What an amazing history you live surrounded by! I sure know how the "where to start" square is...hemmed in by lots of Me Me Me Firsts!

Catalyst said...

I couldn't read the inscription about the old hall for sure but does it say it was built in 1568, or thereabouts?

gz said...

1568 is when Mary Queen of Scots stayed there Cat..I think the building date is 1513..it is on the plaque about Loudoun Hall