Thursday 4 July 2024

Workshop sorting

 Out to the workshop...mug of coffee, flapjack, radio....

Then bubble wrap to tape onto the wood kick wheel seat....

First job get the rust and other crud off the wheel head...which took quite a while! Then sort some tools.

Not a bad start!

Lunch break...and workshop sorting..

A clear corner..I will get some metal shelves for there, as they face onto the site at the back for the small wood burning stove...

Glazes and materials, kiln props and stacks of clay...only those on the left are soft enough to use...but that is five rather flat 12.5 kg bags, plenty for now.

The problem....just look around....

Plus a stack of HTI kiln bricks.....and several tool boxes of assorted tools collected since 1973.....

When the kiln is up and running, kiln shelves and props and spare bricks should be in the kiln shed....

Small steps....


Fresca said...

Hooray, it is begun!

Tom said...

..I have a barn that is a mess, do you want to stop by and help?

angela said...

Oh yes. Definitely small steps. It is amazing how quickly it will all be cleared.
Then you will get to play in there and have some fun. I look forward to seeing your work

gz said...

Not until I have sorted all the sheds and house here....

Red said...

You need a much bigger place!

Susan said...

You've made a very good start and that's often the hardest. Slowly everything will come together. Nice work.

Debby said...

And it looks as if those small steps will keep you busy for quite a while!

gz said...

Red, we had made it bigger! That is the problem when your partner uses the new space"just for a while"...and the fleabay stock gets put in the new bit because it is cluttering the house....but yes..I visited a friend whose workshop is twice as wide. You didn't have to move things to do anything....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Invite everyone you know to come over for a surprise party. Then put them to work helping you sort and organize your workshop. "Surprise!" But warning -- this only works once, lol.

Jeanie said...

I hear you and empathize. After the basement dig out, the next visit it the art room. Too much stuff I don't do anymore and I need it for things that I do. Your pottery will be wonderful. I'll bet it feels good to be back on the wheel.

Aimz said...

Can't wait to see it when it's finished. Please do share photos.

Bovey Belle said...

Well, a bit at a time will sort it - as I tell myself about Keith's "useful bits of wood". I will just get rid of the door fronts from the old kitchen here which Keith insisted on keeping. I have told him they are going, but I am hoping that in the future our new neighbour (who is doing up the far cottage) will find a use for some of the bigger and more desirable bits of wood.

Keep up the good work with your pots.

Granny Sue said...

Great start! I need to do the same in the room where we store and repair furniture. It's a mess. Good for you to get on with it.