With rain forecast for Tuesday, loads of washing was done first thing on Monday...very traditional!
Then I went to the allotment and lifted the last of the potatoes-you can see them lined up in mushroom trays to dry, on the path. Half of the patch dug has been sown with clover as a green manure, the strips each side of the parsnips have salad crops sown there.
The squash plants in the foreground are really disappointing, but without a proper summer they just started too slow and have been left behind.
I picked and cut down the broad beans, leaving the stumps. Sometimes you'll get regrowth, but I'm not holding my breath.
The runner beans are growing well now, and the healthier plants are from our own saved seed. Hardly any beans fro the first two to three foot, but slowly coming on now, and plenty of bumble bees on the flowers.

The young apple tree "Reinette D'Orleans was quite full, despite how many fruit had dropped in May and June. I didn't expect them to be ready, but they practically all lifted off cleanly with no effort. This is an apple that needs to be stored, and eaten at the turn of the Year. I'm glad not to have lost any to marauding children too.

I went to bring my car to the allotment gate...and this here young man decided that I am Definitely His Friend!!

It was difficult to take his portrait....also difficult to leave him...but I'll be back there!!

The intention had been to finish by lunchtime.... but lunch ended up at 3pm!!

This tree was sold as a greengage...and this isn't growth from the rootstock...I quite like the look of these!!
What a wonderful harvest - time just slips by when your hands are in the earth - or picking the fruit in your case.
Our broad beans are just starting now! We were late getting them going, so a Septmeber harvest it will be. xxx
Cats chose whom they please.
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