Tuesday, 9 August 2011

a query

So which side of a mug do you put a logo/decoration on?


j said...

Depends - however assuming that you've got the handle on the right (so a right handed person can pick it up) then the logo should be on the front so the person drinking from the cup can see it.

Some commercial designs have it on the rear so that the person viewing the cup sees the logo but that's normally reserved for situations where there's a customer who will be sitting opposite someone enjoying a nice cup of tea.

Lori Buff said...

Right now I'm in the final stages of producing 30 of my Goddess mugs for a non-profit organization and I had the same thoughts, so I pot the image on one side for 15 and the other for the other 15. The buyer/user will have to decide if they want to hold the mug with their right or left hand and if they want the Goddess facing them or the rest of the world.

Zhoen said...

Depends. If you hold it in your right hand, do you want to look at it, or have others look at it?

gz said...

I wonder if the person who commissioned these mugs has thought of this?!

gz said...

and the reply is....one of each as they are different handed...and want the logo facing out

jffollies said...


gz said...

both might be an option, but it depends upon the technique I think. Too much time could mean too expensive.
So far I'm impressing the lettering, filling with coloured slip and scraping back. I'll try one with just impressed lettering to see what it looks like under the glaze they want.

Frances Garrood said...

Opposite the handle, with just a little showing each side? On the bottom?

gz said...

Opposite the handle does hedge your bets...but does defeat the object of having a logo in the first place-I suppose it can be seen by the person sitting next to you...
If they are on display, having the handles towards the back of a shelf makes life awkward, and if they are hung, the logo can't be seen.

On the bottom....makes more sense than might at first seem obvious :-)

aromatic said...

Thank you so much for your recent comment on my blog. I discovered your blog via Earthenwitch and fell in love with your pottery. I also noticed a recent awful comment that you had received which actually horrified me. I am so sorry to hear of your loss and know how life must be for you right now, and not helped by the moronic person that had the need to leave such an awful remark.
Since the loss of my Mum I also lost a very dear and much loved friend, taken so tragically from this world. That was just to much to bear and I have spend the last year or so trying to heal and with the help of a very lovely doctor and family I am beginning to get my life back on track. This was not helped though by my Mums side of the family who have been so unkind and have now 'disowned' me. My Mums wishes whilst she was of sound mind and body and much before dementia ravaged her, was that on her passing she was to have a peaceful funeral with only myself, partner and grandchildren present and then and only then was I to inform the family. This of course I did... letters written with much care and compassion explaining all of Mums reasons, and yet family have chosen to make me an outcast.... but after all the pain I am now coming through this a much stronger and confident person and will gladly leave them to get on with there lives and me mine with or without them.
Thinking of you and sending you my very best wishes.
Jane x

gz said...

Hello Jane, nice to meet you. Yes, we choose friends....
your pots are ready to be sent in the morning!